

도손의 시연구 ― 구약성서 「창세기」투영을 중심으로 ―


Study on Touson's Poem-Centering round the reflection of the Old Testament 「Genesis」


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is aimed for the research on Shimazaki Toson's Literature, in terms of analysing his Japanese modern poetry focused on the reception aspect of the Western European Literature. For the past survey on Toson's Literature has been biased toward his novel, but not his modern poetry, and the comparative literature study on Toson's Literature as well. This thesis is emphasized on the analysis of the transfigurations of words, expressions, and thoughts in the Western European literature ,including the Bible, in the course of reception and modification of them in Japanese cultural climate to create new poetry appeared in his poetry volume Hitohabune〔쪽배〕Natsukusa 〔여름풀〕Rakubaisyu〔낙매집〕, beginning with Toson's first volume, Wakanasyu〔새싹집〕. As a concrete research measure, at first, it was to pursue the Bible, especially, Genesis traces, secondly, to clear the traces origin from whose and what works. So as to do those analyses, it was to turn efforts toward Toson's autobiography novel, Sakura no mi no jukusuru toki〔버찌가 읽을 무렵〕 and Haru〔봄〕which Toson's been infatuated in his youth as a text, to select his favorite writer and works, to compare Toson's poetry with the Bible and their literatures, and to find out parallels and similar plot and frame of poem among them, and the distinct relationship between modern way of thinking in Japanese Meiji Period. As the method of criticism, the Text-criticism, but not Form-criticism was chosen, which was to deal with the Western European writers and their literatures in lines and to compare with Toson's poems. Toson was a strange mixture of the Japanese spirit and the Western European way of thinking. As a result of that, in Toson's poetry, the thoughtful and philosophical language of the Bible turned into the natural native Japanese beyond the limit of the characteristic of emotional Japanese language.


 1. 서론
 2. 「창세기」 3장과 도손의 시
 3. 「창세기」1장과 도손의 시
 4. 결론


  • 최순육 중앙대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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