


Police Response to Foreign Residents’ Crime


Hak Shin, Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In accordance with the trend of globalization, liberalization, and economic uncertainty, the scale of international migration has been growing as well. In reflection of such trend, the population of immigrants has sharply risen in recent years, and the number of foreigners staying for a long time in South Korea have also continued to grow. In particular, after the number of foreigners exceeded one million in 2007, it surpassed 1,890,000 as of December 2015. It is no exaggeration to say that South Korea is a society where multiple cultures coexist with those from multiple racial groups. Along with the increase of these foreigners staying in Korea, various issues have emerged too, including violent crimes such as murder, robbery, rape, molestation, assault, injury, etc., as well as fraud crime, traffic crime, illegal immigration and related enforcement and administration, foreigners’ obtaining and losing citizenship, etc. In particular, the crimes committed by foreign residents are becoming increasingly cruel, brutal, intelligent, and organized, and their techniques are growing sophisticated and tricky. As a result, the anxiety of the Korean people against crimes by foreigners has been intensifying, and they are demanding the government’s powerful sanctions and punishments targeting crimes by foreigners to relieve their anxiety. However, despite the demands of the people, a number of issues are left to be addressed, such as the difficulties of grasping the actual status of crimes committed by foreign residents and collecting information on them, lack of police manpower for international criminal investigations, language problems, human rights issues, conflicts caused by cultural and religious differences, and xenophobia. Hence, this paper attempted to propose various countermeasures for the issues discussed herein based on the recognition of the challenges. In particular, it aimed to present the alternatives focusing on the police response to crimes by foreign residents.


 I. Introduction
 II. Current Status of Foreign Residents
  1. Increase of Illegal Foreign Residents in South Korea
  2. Current Status of Foreigners’ Entry and Departure
  3. Actual Status of and Reason for Variations in the Number of Foreign Residents
 III. Actual Status and Problems of Crimes by Foreign Residents
  1. Actual Status of Crimes by Foreign Residents
  2. Current Situation of Foreign Criminal Arrest by Crimes
  3. Current Situation of Foreign Criminal Arrest by Nationality
  4. Problem of Crimes by Foreign Residents
 IV. Police Response for Prevention of Crimes by Foreign Residents
  1. Efficient Operation and Workforce Expansion of Foreign Affairs Section
  2. Specialization of Foreign Affairs Police
  3. Tightening Security Focusing on Areas Dense with Foreign Residents
  4. Establishment of Crime Countermeasure System in Foreigners populated area
  5. Strict Police Action against Crimes by Foreign Residents
  6. Establishing Crackdown Cooperation for Prevention of Crimes Committed by Foreigners
  7. Blocking Influx of Criminal Syndicate through Foreign Residents
 V. Conclusion


  • Hak Shin, Kim Senior Research Officer, Korean National Police University Police Science Institute


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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