

韓国人学習者の日本語社会言語能力の習得メカニズム -丁寧形式と普通形式の切換えの場合-


The Mechanism of Sociolinguistic Competence Acquisition in Japanese by Korean Speakers: the Case of Shift between the Polite Form and the Plain Form


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyses the mechanism of style shift acquisition by Korean learners of Japanese from the viewpoint of the Variation Theory. It focuses on the shift between the polite form and the plain form used by four subjects in both formal and casual conversations and shows that style shift is an essential part of the speakers’ sociolinguistic competence. It was observed that the learners build their own original style shift system. One remarkable characteristic of this original system is the simplification of the polite form, due to an attempt to avoid the “masu” form, which has a higher degree of morphological complexity compared to the “ndesu” form, widely used by the learners.  Finally, the results lead to the conclusion that the learners rebuild the target language in a rational way through the simplification process, using the rules of word formation existing in their own native language and the versatility of the plain form.


 1. はじめに
 2. 研究小史
 3. 調査の概要および分析項目
  3.1 調査の概要と談話資料
  3.2 分析項目
 4. 丁寧形式と普通形式の場面間切換えの実態
  4.1 学習者ごとの使用実態
  4.2 スタイル切換えの習得段階
 5. 独自体系構築期の丁寧形式の単純化
  5.1 複雑な形態的手続きの回避
  5.2 普通形式の汎用性の利用
 6. まとめと今後の課題


  • 李吉鎔 이길용. 中央大学校 助教授, 社会言語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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