

후쿠다 야스오의 공명(共鳴)외교와 동북아


Fukuda's Synergy Diplomacy and Northeast Asia


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo repeatedly expressed his willingness to develop relations with Asian countries while simultaneously pursue a strengthened Japan-U.S. alliance, so called, synergy diplomacy. Fukuda has maintained that the U.S.-Japan alliance will remain the lynchpin of Japan‘s foreign policy and that a strong relationship with Washington will serve as the basis for Japan's active diplomacy vis-a-vis Asia, particularly China and South Korea. Asian countries including China and South Korea welcome Fukuda's approach. Fukuda regime needs to maintain good relations with its neighbers, including China, to improve its international standings. In particular, Japan needs China's support to join the U.N. Security Council and to resolve the North Korea issues. In realpolitik terms, Japanese government is seeking better ties with China in a changing strategic environment in East Asia. China's rapprochement with Japan in recent is an attempt to draw a wedge between Washington and Tokyo. China realizes that forcing Asian countries to choose between Washington and Beijing can be counterproductive. Beijing continues to work toward a multipolar world less dominated by the U.S. It is in the interest of the U.S. and Japan to induce China and North korea, which strive to change the status quo, to take a multilateral diplomacy. Integrating those nations into the regional or global order has been a long standing goal of the U.S. and Japan. For those reasons, Fukuda's synergy diplomacy is expected to advance successfully.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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