




Comparison of movies based on real events in China and South Korea



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The movie is in a particular period of time to express a particular mood of a cultural carrier. In today’s society, the movie can enter people’s lives and potentially develop feelings in them. You often find that you cannot articulate it. The movie is from a new era of independent thinking, showing people in the process of development as a pure running stream. The film adaptation is based on real events and will help you understand society and the truth behind the events while watching a movie at the same time. The film is a witness and an imitation to the true significance of the hidden society, and is able to focus on the response to social problems. The study model is based on “Chinese and South Korean film adaptations of real events,” and will compare and contrast four different movies with similar subject matter from China and South Korea: for example, movie materials versus real life events. Three of the narratives of movies based on real events are compared in the analysis. China and South Korea’s tendencies to shoot movies based on real events in different places is briefly summarized. This combination of movies and movie adaptations of real events helps society to pay close attention to history and the truth, and to achieve the maximum effect of making other people more concerned and pay attention to vulnerable groups.


 Ⅰ. 绪论
 Ⅱ. 本论
  1. 研究模型
  2. 事例研究
 Ⅲ. 结论


  • 韩雪羽 한설우. 弘益大学 文化艺术经营


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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