

동물의 혈액으로부터 정제된 아미노산 사료첨가제가 이유자돈의 성장과 면역 반응에 미치는 효과


Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Amino Acids Purified from Animal Blood on Growth Performance and Immune Status of Weanling Piglets

Najuma Joshi, Theresia Galuh Wandita, 남인식, 박해성, 황성구

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation of purified amino acid (PAA) isolated and purified from animal slaughter house blood on growth performance and immune response of weanling piglets. A total of fifteen, 28 days old, weaned pigs were randomly distributed into three treatment groups, 5 pens per treatment (one head per pen). Each experimental diet was provided to five piglets per group (T0, 0% PAA; T1, 0.1% PAA; T2, 0.5% PAA). The feed consumption was calculated daily and body weight on a weekly basis. The blood samples were analyzed for plasma concentration of biochemical parameters and cytokines using ELISA Kit assay. Pigs fed with the 0.5% PAA have greater average daily weight gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (FE) as compared to those of T0 and T1. However, ADG and FE of T0 and T1 have no remarkable differences. The plasma cytokine levels were lower in T2 as compared to T0 and T1. The blood parameters like total bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), glutamate oxalate transaminase (GOT) and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) were within the normal range in all the treatment groups. The study indicated that supplementation of 0.5% PAA have positive effect on the growth performance of the weanling pigs. Moreover, supplementation of the amino acid isolated and purified from animal slaughter house blood has no adverse effect on palatability of the feed and health of the animals.


  Purified amino acid
  Experimental design
  Dietary treatments
  Growth performance
  Analysis of biochemical parameters and hormone concentrations
  Statistical analysis
  Growth performance
  Blood parameters
  Cytokines and growth hormones
  Physical examination


  • Najuma Joshi 한경대학교 동물생명환경과학과
  • Theresia Galuh Wandita 한경대학교 동물생명환경과학과
  • 남인식 In Sik Nam. 한경대학교 동물생명환경과학과
  • 박해성 Haesung Park. (주)나눔
  • 황성구 Seong Gu Hwang. 한경대학교 동물생명환경과학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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