



Face Composition Phenomena in Refusal Expressions- With Special Reference to Japanese University Students and Korean University Students -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper discusses"refusal"expressions of Japanese university students and Korean university students. The results of Role Play Tests show: 1. Both Japanese and Korean mostly use mutual face of the refuser's positive face and the requester's positive face, without using direct refusals. 2. Japanese university students use more instances of the face composition phenomena with direct refusals than Korean. 3. Korean university students use more instances of the face composition phenomena involving the refuser's positive face in the category of the speaker's faces, without using direct refusals, than Japanese.

This paper discusses"refusal"expressions of Japanese university students and Korean university students. The results of Role Play Tests show: 1. Both Japanese and Korean mostly use mutual face of the refuser's positive face and the requester's positive face, without using direct refusals. 2. Japanese university students use more instances of the face composition phenomena with direct refusals than Korean. 3. Korean university students use more instances of the face composition phenomena involving the refuser's positive face in the category of the speaker's faces, without using direct refusals, than Japanese.


 1. はじめに
 2 調査
 3. データの分類・分析方法および処理方法
  3.1 意味公式
  3.2 ポライトネス理論
  3.4 フェイス複合現象
  3.4 データの文字化
 4. 日ㆍ韓両言語の「断り」
 5. まとめ


  • 権英秀 권영수. 新潟大学 非常勤講師


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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