

舊幕府機關의 敎育近代化에 대한 考察―1868년 이후 누마즈병학교(沼津兵學校)의 사례를 중심으로―



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the year 1868, the Edo-bakufu government which was ruled by feudalism had turned over its political power to the Meiji Administration. It was a new era open for the Meiji Administration and Japan was about to face huge movement of modernization. Meiji Administration formed its central power toward "Teno" with allied forces. Meiji Administration was exactly the counter-force of that of Edo. Although Meiji Administration had usurped political power from Edo, their military and the educational systems were very unstable. On the contrary, Bakufu government had already settled its system in many ways, especially Bakufu's military and education systems were far more exceeding than Meiji's. Numazu-heigakko, which was open in 1869, is the good example which clearly shows how Edo had already established advanced system in military and education. By no surprise, this military school had possessed well organized systems as well as human resources. Eventually, one can clearly say that Edo was the successor to pass every advanced systems to Meiji's. Upon Edo's solid foundation, Meiji Administration started to flourish and trained many instructors, students, weapons and books. In the aspect of educational curriculums, Meiji focused on general studies and gave priority to people who had capabilities. This was distinct feature of how Meiji Administration made their principles to train not only soldiers but human resources as well. Therefore, it would be not too exaggerate to say that the process of Japan's modernization in education have its solid foundation on Bakufu's military system.


  • 李健相 이건상. 仁荷大學校 日語日文學科 副敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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