

일본 근대문학에 나타난 근대와 전통 고찰― 나쓰메 소세키의 『夢十夜』「第八夜」를 중심으로 ―


權赫建, 李虎揆, 黃恩美

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As follows is the summary of what the writer has analyzed. First, although the uneasy images expressed in the two works, 「The Eighth Night」in 『Ten Nights of Dream』 and 『Kusamakura』, are different in each, Nastume Soseki wrote the work through a medium of Dream, showing the barbershop is the place where a barber shaves parts around his customers' chins with a razor, which means the barbershop in the Meiji era was a space that gave fear to people and made them nervous. Second, I think that 「The Eighth Night」in 『Ten Nights of Dream』showed strong yearnings for Bean curd sellers, who sold bean curd walking along the streets in the Edo era, and great pities and emptiness about vanishing tradition. Third, it cannot be wrong that we see the reason why there aren't any hulled millet cake sellers in Winter in 「The Eighth Night」in 『Ten Nights of Dream』is that Nastume Soseki wanted to express a great pity about vanishing tradition and yearning for memories of childhood.

As follows is the summary of what the writer has analyzed. First, although the uneasy images expressed in the two works, 「The Eighth Night」in 『Ten Nights of Dream』 and 『Kusamakura』, are different in each, Nastume Soseki wrote the work through a medium of Dream, showing the barbershop is the place where a barber shaves parts around his customers' chins with a razor, which means the barbershop in the Meiji era was a space that gave fear to people and made them nervous. Second, I think that 「The Eighth Night」in 『Ten Nights of Dream』showed strong yearnings for Bean curd sellers, who sold bean curd walking along the streets in the Edo era, and great pities and emptiness about vanishing tradition. Third, it cannot be wrong that we see the reason why there aren't any hulled millet cake sellers in Winter in 「The Eighth Night」in 『Ten Nights of Dream』is that Nastume Soseki wanted to express a great pity about vanishing tradition and yearning for memories of childhood.


 1. 서론
 2. 「第八夜」에 묘사된 근대
  2-1. 메이지시대 이발소의 탄생
  2-2. 근대적 공간으로서의 이발소 - 근대문명의 수용과 공포
 3. 『夢十夜』「第八夜」에 묘사된 전통
  3-1. 두부장수
  3-2. 좁쌀떡장수
 4. 결론


  • 權赫建 권혁건. 동의대학교 일어일문학과 교수
  • 李虎揆 이호규. 동의대학교 국어국문학과 교수
  • 黃恩美 황은미. 동의대학교 외국어교육원 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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