This paper discusses “reason expressions” which appear in refusal expressions of Japanese university students and Korean university students. The results of Role Play Tests show: 1. Both Japanese and Korean mostly use mutual face of the refuser's positive face and the requester's positive face, together with accompanying reason expressions which state the their situations. 2. If the requester is older than the refuser, Korean university students mostly use reason expressions which mention things unrelated to the participants for refusing. 3. Both Japanese and Korean mostly use reason expressions involving conjunctions (kara, node, te) or ones without conjunctions. 4. Japanese university students use reason expressions involving conjunctions (kara, node, te). This tendency is stronger when the requester is older than the refuser. 5. Korean university students use reason expressions, with conjunction (kedo), which mention things unrelated to the participants. The combination of this kind of reason and conjunction is not found in Japanese.
1. はじめに
2. 調査
3. デ一タの分析方法および處理方法
3.1 ポライトネス理論
3.2 フェイス複合現象
3.3 データの文字化
4. 「理由」表現の種類、および「フェイス複合現象」との關連性
5. 「理由」表現における接續表現
6. まとめ