

忠州 靑龍寺 刊行의 「禪林寶訓」에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Seonrimbohun Published by Cheongryongsa in Chungju

충주 청용사 간행의 「선림보훈」에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzes on the Seonrimbohun published by Cheongryongsa in Chungju. The major findings are as follows: (1) Seonrimbohun is a collection of teachings and anecdotes from ancient Buddhist monks and used by ascetics of Zen Buddhism as reference material. Jonggo and Sagyu compiled the first edition of Seonrimbohun, thereafter, Jeongseon revised and recompiled this original version by complementing about 50 articles. In consequence, Seonrimbohun consists of 2 volumes and contains about 300 articles from the great masters of Zen Buddhism. (2) But the Seonrimbohun contains a total of 278 articles of sermons from 34 great monks. The first half of volume, written by 17 great monks, is comprised of 142 articles, while the second is comprised of 136 articles from the other 17 monks. The first edition of the collection was published in the 9th year of Chunxi(淳熙; 1182 C.E.) under the reign of Emperor Xiaozong of Song and was published again in the 31st year of Zhiyuan(至元; 1294 C.E.) under the reign of Kublai Khan. It is supposed that the first edition had been introduced to Japan, while the Yuan Dynasty’s copy is believed to have been introduced to Goryeo. (3) The Cheongryongsa Temple edition of Seonrimbohun is the first edition of Seonrimbohun to have been published in Korea, in the 4th year of King U of Goryeo(1378). It was based on the Yuan Dynasty edition, which was obtained by Haengje and stored as a woodcarving in the Cheongryeongsa before its loss. It became an influential reference point for all future editions of Seonrimbohun during the Joseon period. Examples of which include the following editions: Daekwangsa edition(1525), Pyohunsa edition and the Yi Sun-jae family edition (1555). These were essentially copies of the Cheongryongsa edition. (4) Haengje (行齊 or 行齋), also known as Yoam, was the monk who acquired the Yuan Dynasty edition of the Seonrimbohun that served as the basis of the Cheongryongsa edition. He once resided in the Gaecheonsa Temple in Chungju and had close friendship with Mokeun Yi Saek and Hwanam Honsu. (5) A monk from the late Goryeo period, Honsu who posthumously named Bogak Guksa, led the efforts to publish the Cheongryongsa edition of Seonrimbohun. His family clan was Pungyang and he was also known as Mujak, Yowon, Hwanam and Jeonghyewonyung. Honsu presided over the publication of a number of Buddhist texts while he stayed Yeonhoeam in Cheongryongsa, such as Geumgangbanyagyeongsoronchanyojohyeonrok, Seonrimbohun, Hobeobron, and Seonjongyeonggajip. His achievements led to his fame during his lifetime, and he also became a monumental figure in Korean Buddhism. (6) Details on other people involved in the publication of the Cheongryongsa edition, such as the fund-raiser Sangwi and Manhoe and the benefactors Gosikgi and Choeseongyeon, remain unclear. However, existing historical records point to Gosikgi having served a dual position as the Bongseondaebu and the Bujeong in the Royal Clinic (Jeoneuisa). Records also state that Choeseongyeon was the spouse of Haejugun.


본 硏究는 「禪林寶訓」의 撰集과 刊行을 바탕으로 高麗 우왕 4년(1378)에 忠州 靑龍寺에서 刊行된 「禪林寶訓」의 刊行과 關聯人物 등에 관하여 考察한 것으로 그 結果는 다음과 같다. (1) 「禪林寶訓」은 禪法을 닦는 學人들의 龜鑑이 될 만한 先德祖師들의 嘉言善行을 撰集한 것이며, 宗杲禪師와 士珪禪師의 初集本에 淨善禪師가 50餘篇을 蒐輯․補完하여 約 300篇으로 重集한 뒤 上下 2卷으로 編次한 것이다. (2) 그러나 실제로 「禪林寶訓」의 卷上에는 17禪師 142篇과 卷下에는 17禪師 136篇 등 도합 34禪師 278篇의 法語가 수록되어 있으며, 中朝에서 宋朝 淳熙 9년(1182)에 初刊되고 元朝 至元 31년(1294)에 重刊된 뒤 宋版은 日本으로 전래되고 元版은 高麗로 전래되었던 듯하다. (3) 忠州 靑龍寺版 「禪林寶訓」은 고려 우왕 4년(1378)에 우리나라의 初刊된 版本으로 行齊禪師가 求得한 元版을 底本으로 하여 造成된 뒤 그 木板은 青龍寺에 留板되었으나 지금은 失傳된 상황이며, 이 版本은 朝鮮朝의 「禪林寶訓」 刊行에 크게 영향을 미친 결과 大光寺版(1525)․表訓寺版(1542)․李順才家版(1555) 등은 한결같이 忠州 靑龍寺版이 踏襲된 版本이다. (4) 忠州 靑龍寺版 「禪林寶訓」의 刊行을 위한 底本의 求得者인 行齊禪師는 法名이 ‘行齊’ 또는 ‘行齋’이고 法號가 了庵으로 한때 忠州의 開天寺에 駐錫한 바 있으며, 牧隱 李穡과 幻庵 混脩禪師와는 가까운 사이였다. (5) 忠州 靑龍寺版 「禪林寶訓」의 刊行을 主導한 混脩禪師는 高麗時代 末期의 僧侶로 本貫은 豐壤이고 字는 無作․了圓 등이며 號는 幻庵이고 諡號는 普覺國師이며 塔號는 定慧圓融이다. 忠州 靑龍寺의 宴晦庵에 머물면서 「金剛般若經疏論纂要助顯錄」․「禪林寶訓」․「護法論」․「禪宗永嘉集」 등의 佛書刊行을 主導함으로써 當時는 물론 後代에 이르기까지 佛敎界에 큰 業績을 남긴 高僧으로 評價되고 있다. (6) 忠州 靑龍寺版 「禪林寶訓」의 刊行을 위한 募緣者인 尚偉禪師와 万恢禪師 및 助緣者인 高息機와 崔省縁 등의 人物에 관한 자세한 行歷은 알 수 없으나, 高息機는 奉善大夫로 典醫寺의 副正을 역임한 人物이며 崔省縁은 海州郡夫人의 爵號가 있는 人物이다.


 1. 緖言
 2. 「禪林寶訓」의 撰集과 刊行
  2.1 「禪林寶訓」의 撰集과 收錄範圍
  2.2 「禪林寶訓」의 刊行
 3. 忠州 靑龍寺 刊行의 「禪林寶訓」
  3.1 忠州 靑龍寺版의 刊行
  3.2 忠州 靑龍寺版의 刊行人物
 4. 結論


  • 朴文烈 박문렬. 淸州大學校 人文大學 文獻情報學科 敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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