

에도후기 메이쇼에(名所絵)에 담긴 종교적 표상의 의미― 히로시게 명소에도백경 ―



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Considering the contents and characteristic of amusement culture reflected in the MeishoEdoHyakkei published in the latter period of Edo, this article analyzed ‘Meisho-e’, a genre of the Ukiyo-e, in the view of visual medium which had been produced and consumed within certain social context. and the actual meaning and function of the works are interpreted in new way. As a result of consideration, the motif and objective of city commoner’s enjoyment in the latter period of Edo are closely related to the religion, and the forms of the enjoyment fall into two large category which are ‘Symbol of worship’, ‘Shouzinake(精進明け) after worship’. From this conclusion, Meisho Edo Hyakkei is construed to have performed the essential role in a person’s religious life who couldn’t participate in the worship travel, not only by helping them experience ‘virtual experiences of worship’ and ‘the joy and sorrow of the characters in the picture as if they were themselves’, but also by being ‘Meisho-e’ genre.


  • 김애경 한양대학교 대학원 일본언어문화학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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