



A Historical Study of the Compound Particle that Expresses Demand and Request 「~tehosii」


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the study of 「-tehoshii」 has been dealt mainly in the contemporary grammar and dialect, this thesis was done in a way different from the previous studies by using resources written during the Meiji period such as hanashibon, novels, Yomiuri newspaper and Taiyo journal. As a result, the first recorded appearance of 「-tehoshii」 in Japanese literature was in a book called Kinouwakyounomonogatari around year 1624. It was first used in kamigata region compared with other regions. Thus, it was mainly used in Kansai dialect. In my research, 「-tehoshii」 was often used in hanashibon and Yomiuri newspaper during the Meiji period. 「-tehoshii」 was considered as a spoken language. In particular, 「-tehoshii」often appeared in readers’columnin newspapers during this period. I think it was because a readers’ column reflects a relatively easy spoken language to target women and young persons as main readers, which is the characteristic of kosinbun. Kosinbun use simple and straight forward expressions that are easy to understand which is preferred by women and young persons. In contemporary grammar, the common negative forms of 「-tehoshii」 are 「-tehoshikunai」and 「-naidehoshii」. But in my research, it was found out that aside from those two mentioned, the expression 「-nai(nu)youni-tehoshii」was also used. In frequency of usage, 「-nai(nu)youni-tehoshii」was more popular than 「-naidehoshii」. It means that the softer expression 「-nai(nu)youni-tehoshii」 was preferred over 「-naidehoshii」 at that time. I think this is the reason for the delay of the popularity in the usage of 「-naidehoshii」 just like what is stated in previous researches and studies. However, during the Showa period,「-nai(nu)youni-tehoshii」 was non-existent. It means that 「-nai(nu)youni-tehoshii」 was not established as a compound auxiliary verb. Instead, the expressions 「-tehoshikunai」and 「-naidehoshii」 were later commonly used.


 1. 序論
 2. 各資料における複合辞「~てほしい」の実態
  2.1 「~てほしい」の肯定表現
  2.2 「~てほしい」の打消表現の実態
 3. 結論


  • 安志英 안지영. 高麗大 講師, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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