

표현과 전달매체

영어 SMS 약어의 철자변이에 대한 음운분석


A Phonological Analysis of Spelling Variation in English SMS Abbreviations

양선기, 강석근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper considers the phonological characteristics and type frequency of spelling variation in English SMS abbreviations. We argue that spelling variation is not random but phonologically motivated. Showing that vowels are more likely to be deleted than consonants, we claim that word-intial vowel deletion is closely related to the trochaic rhythm of English, while word-medial vowel deletion is associated with word-initial prominence. We also show that word-final e is deleted only when the preceding vowel is short. Among consonants, gh and h are most frequently omitted, and r is deleted only in coda position, reflecting the /r/-deletion rule in Modern English. Meanwhile, geminate consonants are degeminated after a tense vowel, but degemination is optional after a lax vowel. We also show that ‘8’ is the most frequently used number homophone, and that only th and ks are subject to substitution. With regard to frequency, we assert that deletion (57.42%) occurs most frequently, which is followed by number homophone (13.23%), letter homophone (12.58%), substitution (9.68%) and alphanumeric homophone (1.94%) in that order. Besides, we also argue that spelling variation may result from assimilation and word-final e-insertion, though rare (1.29% each).


1. 서론
 2. 문자 생략
  2.1 모음 생략
  2.2 자음 생략
 3. 숫자동음철자와 문자동음철자
  3.1 숫자동음철자
  3.2 문자동음철자
 4. 기타
 5. 결론


  • 양선기 Seon-Ki Yang. 순천대학교
  • 강석근 Seok-keun Kang. 원광대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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