

민관협동의 양면적 발전 ― 고이즈미 시대 탈(脫)균형발전의 지방경제정책개혁 ―


The Dualization of Public-Private Partnership in Koizumi's Local Economic Policy Reform


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the early 2000s, new local economic growth strategies have operated under very different models in different regions of Japan, although all new local programs have been introduced under the banner of public-private partnership. New partnership programs in the local economic policy arena in the 2000s have moved toward the market model, in which local authorities pursue growth by attracting private business resources, in the major metropolitan areas around Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, whereas they have moved toward the community model, in which local authorities pursue growth by mobilizing local organizational resources, in the rest of Japan. The market model is embedded in market reform for deregulation that makes large private corporations' freer activities easy, whereas the community model is an attempt to strengthen the structure of endogenous networks among local authorities and local economic and social elites. New local partnership programs, which have been introduced under the leadership of Koizumi Junichiro, made the disturbance of the Japanese way of balancing market powers and local interests in the postwar period.


 1. 서론
 2. 이중지방경제체제의 진전과 국가주도 균형발전 원칙의 발전
 3. 탈지역재분배구조를 위한 지방경제정책 개혁의 정치과정
 4. 시장개혁과 공동체참여의 지역적 편차
 5. 결론 : 민관협동형 개혁 하의 국가, 시장, 사회


  • 이정환 국민대학교 일본학연구소 전임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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