

경계를 와해하는 ‘무국적자’의 레토릭― 金城一紀, 『GO』를 중심으로 ―


The Rhetoric of the ‘Stateless Person’ that Breaks the Boundary: Centered on 『GO』by Kaneshiro Kazuki


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article is a study, centered on 『GO』(2000) by Kaneshiro Kazuki which clearly shows the overall life conditions of the Korean-Japanese and actively crumbles such boundary of exceptional life, that carefully considers the reappearances and overcoming possibility of the oppressive boundary of ‘nationality’, ‘name’, ‘physical body’ which consistently runs through the Korean-Japanese literature. First of all, Kaneshiro Kazuki intends to emerge from national exclusivism and the boundary by disturbing and breaking the frame of a nation-state symbolized as ‘nationality’ and actively attempts to discover the new identity as the Korean-Japanese, which suddenly rises from outside the boundary, by insisting the right of the ‘statelessness’ exclusively possessed as a signpost of self-liberation and cognitive overpassing. Secondly, the author expresses the willingness to resist the oppressive binding force the ‘name’ has and to escape from the district of discriminating boundary, by revealing the symbolization of a nation or a group through ‘name’ within the work and by re-defining the meaning of the distorted or consciously broken name. Lastly, the author overthrows the fabrication of the discriminative boundary, so called, ‘body-bloodline-ethnic race’ and disintegrates the point of the layered boundary that binds up the Korean-Japanese, through the idea of the strategic ‘mixed-blood’ which mixes and scatters the boundary. In this way, Kaneshiro Kazuki, by questioning from a viewpoint of a fictional formation ‘nationality’, ‘name’, ‘physicality’ realized as a definite category which differentiates and characterizes one individual, suggests the literary possibility that will crush the discriminative and biased logic produced from such unfair ‘boundary’.


 1. ‘경계 드러내기’의 신(新) 발화법
 2. ‘예외상태’로서의 ‘국적’ 비틀기
 3. 변별/해방의 기표로서의 ‘이름’
 4. 허구적 ‘신체’ 표상의 전화(轉化), 전략적 혼혈주의
 5. 닫힌 경계에서 열린 접점으로


  • 윤송아 Yoon, Song Ah. 경희대학교 후마니타스 칼리지 강사. 국어국문학 현대문학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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