The result of Gorye literature in the Soviet Union area would not be ignored in its quality and quantity. It definitely takes a place in Korean literature. Along with some works that already entered into the native mainstream, especially those written in Korean should be highly valued for the main theme, the sentence expressions within traditional usage, and the effort to preserve national language under the impoverished current cultural condition. As the difference of social system and difficulty of study exchange have been quiet successfully improved, it is time to lift a flag to start a research of the real Gorye literature, considering the long immigration history, up to 160 years. Viewing the time matter of decreasing the writers who write in Korean, this research became a subject for its importance as well as for urgency. Now, the new homework at this point are systematically arranging the works written in the past and driving forward the substantial study to look for the unknown ones.
2. 동양적 전통과 환상성 문학의 성과 - 아나톨리 김의 소설
3. 방랑자 의식과 민족성으로의 회귀 - 박 미하일의 소설
4. 마무리 - 그 외의 중요한 작가들
5. 연구서지 및 작품목록
가. 재외한인문학 일반
나. 구소련지역 고려인 문제
다. 구소련지역 고려인문학 연구
라. 작품집, 단행본 목록