

Uses of First and Foreign Languages as Learning Resources in a Foreign Language Classroom


Tae-Hee Choi, Constant Leung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In South Korea, many senior high school English teachers consider Korean as a helpful medium of instruction for their subject, although many also feel that they need to develop students’ practical command of spoken English, and, therefore, they also see the need to use English as a medium for teaching. This article provides an account of an exploratory study of how Korean, the students’ first language (L1), and English, a foreign language (L2), are used as communication and pedagogic resources in English lessons taught by an experienced teacher. We will focus on the ways in which the two languages are used to manage classroom interactions and to facilitate teaching and learning activities. Drawing on concepts and analytic frameworks from the fields of formative assessment, code-switching/translanguaging and classroom discourse analysis, this paper aims at making a contribution to the renewed debate on the use of L1 in L2 learning and teaching.


 Data and Research Methodology
  Phases of Data Analysis
  Formative Moments: Occurrences and Means
  Uses of L1 and L2 during FMs
  Codeswitching from L2 to L1
  Codeswitching from L1 to L2
  Codeswitching Both Ways (From Korean to English and English to Korean)
  Complexity in Language Use during FMs
 Discussion and Conclusions
 The Authors


  • Tae-Hee Choi Education University of Hong Kong
  • Constant Leung King’s College London


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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