

日本高度成長期の鉄鋼産業構造調整における政府-市場関係 ― 新日本製鉄の誕生を中心に ―


The Government-Market Relations in Japan’s Restructuring of Iron and Steel Industry During High-Rate Growth Period


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis attempts to analyze the Japan’s restructuring of the iron and steel industry which gave birth of Nippon Steel Corporation(1970) in response to the internationalization during the late 1960s, emphasizing market initiatives over government leadership. As it was exposed to internationalization in a state of its over-heated competition and small size, the Fuji steel company posed an initiative of M&A to make an end of it with the support of several steel companies and sub-government more than government. The government just showed a collaborative attitude towards him as a member of sub-government, since the denial of M&A by the Fair Trade Committee (FTC). However, he did not resort to the government measure because the market consensus has been powerful enough for him to push an initiative against the FTC. It proves that the government role has been changed due to the impact of internationalization. Taking it into much consideration, market initiatives must be taken more important than government leadership in analyzing the restructuring of Japan’s iron and steel industry.


 I. はじめに
 Ⅱ. 産業構造調整における政府-市場関係に関する理論的考察
  1. 政府-市場関係に関する先行研究の考察
  2. 本研究の分析枠組み
 Ⅲ. 国際化の構造調整圧迫と新産業体制論の打ち出し
  1. 国際化の構造調整圧迫と新産業秩序への取り組み
  2. 貿易․資本自由化の拡大による鉄鋼産業界のイニシアチブ発信
 Ⅳ. 鉄鋼産業の構造調整における政府-市場関係
  1. 市場アクター間の現実認識共有
  2. 両社の合併への取り組みによる公取委との出会い
  3. 公取委の審査基準の明確化と両社のイニシアチブ発揮
  4. 下位政府の公取委への圧迫と合併承認
 V. おわりに


  • 李晩熙 이만희. プール学院大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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