

Optimal Milieu for Culturing Porcine Sertoli Cell



The purpose of the present study was to establish culture conditions for the in vitro study of the neonatal piglet Sertoli cell. Isolation for the culture of Sertoli cell was established using collagenase and pancreatin digestion of testicular tissues. The effects of various culture media, fetal bovine serum (FBS), follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulin-transferrin-sodium selenite (ITS) on growth of neonatal piglet Sertoli cells were investigated. The mitogenic effects of Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium + Ham’s F-12 medium was higher than other media used in this experiment. The addition of 1% FBS in cultures was necessary for attachment of Sertoli cell clusters. However, except FBS and EGF, FSH and ITS did not stimulate Sertoli cell proliferation. When Sertoli cells isolated from neonatal piglets were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium + Ham’s F-12 medium supplemented with 1% FBS, FSH, EGF and ITS, the yield and plating efficiency of Sertoli cells were largely increased. Confluency of Sertoli cells was reached as early as 4 days of culture. The method described here reduces or eliminates many of the drawbacks of the conventional procedures used to isolate and culture of Sertoli cells, thus providing a useful tool in studies of growth kinetics and regulation of cell proliferation in vitro.




  • Md, Anower Jabed Department of Molecular Biology, Dong-Eui Univercity
  • Tania Kamel Department of Molecular Biology, Dong-Eui Univercity
  • Byung-Ki Kim Department of Molecular Biology, Dong-Eui Univercity


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