

항균, 신선도 기능을 부여한 투명 산화생분해 필름 개발


Development of Thin, Transparent Oxo-Biodegradable Film with Antibacterial and Freshness Agent

최성욱, 이근우, 유지예, 유영선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article described the development of transparent antimicrobial oxo-biodegradable (AOB) film with the function of enhanced freshness of food by employing oxo-biodegradable masterbatch (MB) and antimicrobial MB together with organic metal salt, organic acid, or unsaturated fatty acid. Antibacterial test of the AOB film with the different contents of the antimicrobial MB resulted in the significant freshness extension of plum. Tensile strength and elongation rate of the AOB films before UV treatment were similar to those of polyethylene films used as control. The reduced mechanical properties of AOB film after UV treatment (340 nm) suggested that the AOB film could be degraded by oxo biodegradation. The developed AOB films can effectively prevent decomposition of food by providing antibacterial function and preserving freshness.


 재료 및 방법
  1. 생분해 촉매제를 사용한 산화생분해 마스터배치 제조
  2. 항균 신선도 마스터배치 제조
  3. 항균 신선도 기능을 부여한 부여 투명 산화생분해 필름의 제조
  4. 산화분해성 평가
  5. 곰팡이에 의한 필름의 생분해성 평가
  6. 항균성 평가
  7. 신선도 기간연장 평가
  8. 식품포장재로서의 제품안전성 평가
  9. 유럽 RoHS 기준에 의한 안전성 실험
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 항균, 신선도 기능 부여 산화생분해성 필름의 물성
  2. AOB film의 산화분해 성능 평가
  3. 곰팡이에 의한 필름의 생분해성
  4. 항균성 평가
  5. 신선도 기간연장 평가
  6. 식품포장재로서의 AOB film 안전성
  7. 유럽 RoHS 기준에 의한 안전성


  • 최성욱 Sung-Wook Choi. 가톨릭대학교 생명공학전공
  • 이근우 Kun-Woo Lee. (주)바이오켐코리아
  • 유지예 Ji-Ye Yu. (주)바이오소재
  • 유영선 Young-Sun You. 가톨릭대학교 생명공학전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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