

압축 플랜지에 80MPa급 고강도 콘크리트가 합성된 I형 강거더의 휨거동 특성


Characteristics of Flexural Behavior of Composite Section Consisting of Steel Girder with 80MPa High Strength Concrete on Compressive Flange

Juwon Lee, In-Wook Yang, Eol-Lim, Tae-Yul Ha, Kwan-Jong Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Static loading test was performed on a composite girder with an I-shaped steel girder and SUPER concrete on the top of the steel in order to evaluate flexural behavior characteristics. Total length of the test specimen was 25m long and the depth was 786mm including compressive concrete section('casing' hereafter) with 80MPa strength. 4-point loading on simply-supported beam was applied up to 2,010kN. Results showed that yield strength at tensile steel was 2.7 times greater than service load and the ratio of ductility was 1.481. No cracks were found on the casing surface and the relative slip between different sections was insignificant.


I형 강거더의 압축부에 SUPER(Sustainable Ultra performing, Pioneering, Economic, Remarkable) Concrete가 합성된 거더의 휨거동 특성을 평가하기 위해 정적재하시험을 수 행하였다. 실험체는 총길이 25m, 형고 786mm이고 압축부 콘크리트(이하 케이싱) 강도는 80MPa이며 4점 재하로 하중 2,010kN까지 가력하여 휨거동을 분석하였다. 실험 결과 사용 하중의 2.7배에서 인장 플랜지가 항복하였고 연성비는 1.481였다. 실험 종료까지 케이싱 균 열은 확인되지 않았으며 단면 간 상대변위량은 미미한 수준임을 확인하였다.


 1. 서론
  1.1 현황
  1.2 기존 사례
  1.3 실험대상 개요
  1.4 실험 목적
 2. 실험 및 평가 방법
  2.1 실험 부재
  2.2 하중재하 및 계측 방법
 3. 실험결과 분석
  3.1 하중-처짐 관게
  3.2 하중-상대변위 관계
  3.3 하중-변형률 관계
  3.4 중립축 변화
 4. 결론
 감사의 글


  • Juwon Lee Manager, Technical Institute, SAMHYUN P.F Co.,Ltd
  • In-Wook Yang Team manager, Technical Institute, SAMHYUN P.F Co.,Ltd
  • Eol-Lim Manager, Technical Institute, SAMHYUN P.F Co.,Ltd
  • Tae-Yul Ha Manager, Technical Institute, SAMHYUN P.F Co.,Ltd
  • Kwan-Jong Lee Executive Director, Civil Structural Engineering Dept., JINWOO Engineering Co.,Ltd


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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