

21世紀 韓國經濟와 産業社會


The Korean Economies of Industrial-Society in the Beginning of 21 st Century

21세기 한국경제와 산업사회


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



GNP is one of the most frequently used measures of economic performance. And major changes in GNP may indeed reflect severe problems or impressive gains. The very large increase in real GNP in Korea in 1991, 2000, and 2010 will be associate with a rapid rise in the material standard of living (see p. 17 , table 3). Some of the things which are included in GNP can scarely be considered contributions to human happiness. When the cold war becomes more tense, rising armament purchases are included in GNP; yet we are no happier. The need to increase productivity has been the major theme in recent years for business leaders and national spokesmen. Productivity is a major concern throughout the world. Higher productivity indicates more efficient use of inputs, mainly labor and capital. Technological advances have contributed heavily to productivity gains in recent decades. Machanized equipment, better tools, and computers have made jobs safer and more productive. Profit-sharing and bonus payments provide monetary rewards for higher productive from the entire work force. What our emprical analysis revealed is the existence of substential per capita output, productivity, and consumption gaps for the rapid growth country, where the gaps appear to the wider for consumption than for per capita output and for productivity. We were unable to compare the distribution of income on a comprehensive basis including both wage and wealth income and including all social groups. Rather, my analysis was limited to the distribution of income among under-technological country. This comparison indicated a slightly less unequal distribution of wage income in the under-technological country but failed to reveal dramatic differences in the distribution of income. Finally, I argued that the apparently greater stability of the law-growth country economy in terms of growth, price stability, and employment has led to certain efficiency and quality costs, but that these costs have been kept within manageable limits. On the other hand, we will recognize the fact that the low-growth country economy also has been among the most stable of the major 21st century`s industrial-society.


I. 머릿말
 II. 21 世紀型 産業
  (1) 高度技術産業
  (2) 技術變化에의 對應
 III. 21 世紀의 韓國經濟와 生産性
 IV. 社會시스템의 變貌
  (1) 不斷의 競爭社會
  (2) 社會시스템의 軸
 V. 맺음말


  • 權琥基 권호기. 淸州大學校 經商大學 經濟學科 敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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