

勞動生産性向上을 위한 企業의 經營戰略


Corperate for Improving the Labor Productivity

노동생산성향상을 위한 기업의 경영전략


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Productivity can be regarded as a measurment of efficient utilization of various resources, and as a point of managerial view in business entity, it would be the performance indicator of business activity. In accordance with the characteristics of resources inputed to intervening process, productivity can be classified as labor productivity, capital productivity, value-added productivity etc. Meanwhile major issue has been concentrated on analyzing the relationship between production and labor and then, productivity generally means labor productivity so far as it has no particular indication. Recently business firms in Korea have mostly confronted with many problems newly occurring such as labor problems, trade surpluses, pressure to open its market, which had never been experienced in the past. Being conscious of these situation, it is in due time to develope the proper corporate strategy to cope with those problems, and effort to find the way of improving productivity. Therfore the purpose of this study is to provide the fundamental informations for improving productivity. On the other hand it is impossible to measure, individually and precisely, which affect the labor productivity, therefore there is no choice examining these influencial factors as a whole as an alternative way. The fundamental strategies for improving labor productivity revealed in this study are as follows. 1) Encouragement of management`s consciousness to improve labor productivity. 2) Inducement of employee participation. 3) Estailishment of coopeartive labor-management relationship. 4) Innovation and technology. 5) Modernization of facilities and installments. The resolution of various problems in business entry can be ultimately found its clue on the productivity improvement, the improvement of productivity is the intention to create the more favorable future than now, and the directed goal for progress. Accordingly it should be shared with all of us as well as business entities as a nationalwide task.


I. 序言
 II. 生産性과 企業發展
 III. 勞動生産性向上의 영향요인
 IV. 生産性向上과 經營合理化
 V. 勞動生産性 向上을 위 한 經營戰略
 VI. 結言


  • 千命燮 천명섭. 仁荷大學校 經商大學 經營學科 副敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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