

韓國 觀光호텔産業의 經濟性 分析


Analysis of Economic Efficiency of the Tourist Hotel Industry in Korea

한국 관광호텔산업의 경제성 분석


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The analysis of revenue, financial operation, development and management of manpower and economic efficiency coming from overseas cooperation with the domestic tourist hotel industry shows the following problems. 1. Uneven distribution of tourist hotels causes the shortening of tour visitors` length of stay and incurs additional expenses of business promotion activities. 2. Operation of amenity facilities focused on native people encourages the trend of consumption rather than foreign currency earning. 3. Depreciation cost and financial cost overburden most tourist hotels except for some first-class hotels in big cities. 4. Employment of unqualified personnel increased the ratio of personnel with less than 3-year working experience to 74% and the seperation rate to 17-18%, which eventually brought about inefficient man-power management. This further created additional burden of labor cost and reduced coefficiency of hotel utilization; deficit operation 5. Liberalization of investment and extension of technology introduction period are expected to increase foreign investment rate and restrict autonomous management. Remittance of overseas investment returns and increased expenditure for royalty might give rise to continuous efflux of foreign currency. To prevent the loss of capital investment and enhance a foreign exchange earning rate by effective manpower management and operation, the Government in advised to take the following measures. 1. Construction of tourist hotels in such cities as adjoining tourist resorts to preserve tourist resources; natural resources and folk resources. 2. Adoption of institutional complementary measures favoring foreign tourist-centering sales in taxation and financial support to dampen down native people`s consumption of tax-exempted imports for foreign tourists and to increase foreign currency earnings. 3. Strengthening administrative guidelines for the employment of qualified personnel to induce their continuous service and complementing the system of expert training and its qualification test, which will lead to the alleviation of deficit operation to a great extent. 4. Utilization of officetels as lodgings for athletes, which are now under construction as a part of city redevelopment programs rather than the construction of new tourist hotels to prevent oversupply of tourist hotels after the 1988 Seoul Olympics. 5. Obligation of the use of domestic raw materials to a certain degree as a condition for the construction of joint venture hotels to prevent the efflux of foreign currency that is caused by the import of overseas raw materials. Preference in taxation and financial support to foreign businesses participating in tourist resort development.


I. 問題의 提起
 II. 國際觀光과 國民觀光의 動向
  1. 國際觀光動向
  2. 國民觀光動向
 III. 觀光호텔産業의 發展파 現況
  1. 世界觀光호텔産業의 需給動向
  2. 國內觀光호텔産業의 現況과 建設計劃
  3. 國內觀光호텔産業 支援制度
 IV. 國內觀光호텔産業의 經濟性分析
  1. 호텔利用 및 收入性
  2. 經營力 分析
  3. 專門人力 開發과 管理
  4. 對外協力과 체인化經營
 V. 國內觀光호텔 産業經濟性 向上의 問題點과 對策


  • 徐泳山 서영산. 培花女子電門大學 貿易科 助敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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