

生産效率性 測定技法에 관한 考察


A Study on the Measurement Techniques of Productive Efficiency

생산산효율성 측정기법에 관한 고찰


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to provide a techniques of productive efficiency and is confined to the estimation of a cost function and production function. For the estimate of the attainable ideal standards, the concept of frontier cost function and translog cost function is to be reviewed first of all reviewed frontier production function and is to be the study is attempted to expand the models for analysis of cost behaviour based on a multiple regression model and a linear programming model. It is formulated to estimate the frontier cost function which reflects the best operation possible in the system, which the multiple regression model yield the "average" cost function during a time period throughout the units, the frontier cost function be used to yield the "target" cost which is accomplishable under the given conditions in the system. In order to continue this study, we should find performance variable and influencing factors of firm performance efficiency and time performance efficiency if we are able to find the performance variables, from the analysis, we can achieve the good theory to find the efficiency variables.


I. 序論
  硏究의 目的과 方法
 II. 效率性의 槪念
  1. 生産性의 槪念
  2. 生産性과 類似槪念
 III. 效率性의 測定技法
  1. 費用函數를 이용한 分析技法
  2. 生産函數 이용한 分析技法
 IV. 結論


  • 金相哲 김상철. 效圓大學 統計學科 助敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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