

引用のト節をとる自動詞の受身文 ―対応する能動文が存在しないタイプを中心に―


Passive Contution of Intransitive Verbs with a to-clause in Japanese


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to describe the characteristics of the passive construction of intransitive verbs such as kimetsukeru(‘conclude’), omou(‘believe’), and jyasuisuru(‘suspect’), with a to-clause in Japanese, which does not have a corresponding active construction. In previous studies this type of past construction did not receive much attention, probably due to its infrequent occurrence in corpora. In this study, examples of this kind of passive construction found in some Japanese works of literature are divided into two categories. Type I is composed of “verbs of thinking” such as kimetsukeru(‘conclude’), omou(‘believe’), jyasuisuru(‘suspect’), siru(‘know’), uwasasuru(‘gossip about’), kendensuru(‘make noises about’), for example Taro ga tomodachi ni nakayokunaritakunainoda to kimetsukerareru (Friends of Taro conclude that he does not want to make friends.). Type II is composed of “verbs of saying” such as iu(tell), morasu(reveal), oshieru(inform), for example Taro ga Jiro ni/niyotte Hanko ni sinhannin wa Ichiroda to iwareru. (Jiro says to Hanako the real culprit is Ichiro). In the above sentences, we can consider that the subject “Taro”, which is not able to appear as a complement (ni-case) in its corresponding active sentence, is affected by the affairs described there. This study shows that the relation between the subject and the to-clause, in which the characters, the behaviors, and the feelings, among others, of the subject are described, supports this reading of the subject being connected with the affairs. We have also revealed that this relation between the subject and to-clause is similar to the one between the subject and the direct object (wo-case) in a passive sentence with a possessor subject (mochinusi no ukemi).




 1. はじめに
 2. 考察対象および分析方法
 3. 引用のト節をとる自動詞の受身文の構文による分類
  3.1. 【《人1》が《人2》に〜とV󰠏られる】
  3.2. 【《人1》が(《人2》に/によって)《人3》に〜とV󰠏られる】
 4. おわりに
 要 旨


  • 김봉정 Kim Bongjung. 釜山大学校 日語日文学科


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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