

영어와 논리어의 영향권 중의성에 대하여


On the Scope Ambiguity of English and Logic


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to review the scope ambiguity in English and Logic, to investigate whether the scope ambiguity in logic is definitely ambiguous, whether English sentences as a natural language including both a universal quantifier and an existential quantifier is logically ambiguous, and whether English sentences are properly translated into logic forms, with reference to the sense relations of lexical words such as homonymy and polysemy, and the square of oppositions among the propositions with quantifier scope such as contraries, entails, contradictories and subcontraries. After reviewing the previous studies at first, in terms of syntactic approaches, semantic approaches and lexical approaches, we examined the sense relations of polysemy, homonymy, auto-hyponymy. and the square of proposition oppositions to review the definition of scope ambiguity in English and in logic. As a result, we found that the quantifier scopes in both English and logic are in the entails rather than ambiguous that a universal proposition A entails an existential proposition I, and English sentences do not correspond to Logic precisely.


I. 서론
 II. 양화사 영향권과 관련된 문법 이론들
  1. 양화사 영향권의 번역과 논리적 의미
  2. 통사부에서 영향권 중의성을 분석한 이론
  3. 의미부에서 영향권 중의성을 분석한 이론
 III. 양화사의 영향권 중의성 검토
  1. 함의 관계와 진리치 불확실성 검토
  2. 의의 관계와 영향권 중의성 검토
  3. 양화명제 논리의 중의성 검토
 IV. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 윤흥섭 Yoon, Heungseob. 충북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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