

『정신현상학』과 함께 한 『내가 죽어 누워 있을 때』의 비판적 독해 : 부조리한 인정투쟁과 해체된 인륜적 공동체를 중심으로


Critical Reading of As I Lay Dying with Phenomenology of Spirit : Focusing on Absurd Struggle to Recognition and Deconstruction of Ethical Community


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research aims to closely read and analyze William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying critically and deconstructively utilizing ideas from Georg Hegel’s one of the most controversial and influential philosophical masterpieces, Phenomenology of Spirit. As I Lay Dying describes the Bundrens’ absurd odyssey to bury their mother’s corpse, which turns out to be a mosaic of comic, cosmic, and cacophonic narrative narrated by four brothers, a sister, father, and dead mother who also narrates her esoteric and existential story that deconstructs Western idea of family and ethics setting up Hegel’s ‘ethical community.’ This research is divided into two sections: Hegelian interpretation of characters’ inter-conflict and their struggle to recognition; analysis of the family in the novel through deconstructive reading of Hegelian ethical community in the novel. Then I will present how Hegelian negativity and dialectics work and implode within the novel to prove that the Bundren’s Odessey is not a heroic but absurd drama depicting the collapse of Hegelian idea of ethical community.


I. 『내가 죽어 누워 있을 때』 속 매장의 여정
 II. 번드런 가문 속 헤겔식 주체의 욕망과 부정의 투쟁, 그리고 불행한 영혼
 III. 인륜의 공동체로서의 가족과 번드런 가문의 해체
 IV. 헤겔이 본 죽은 자와 매장의 의미, 그리고 번드런 가문의 해체
 V. 인간 정신의 부조리와 코미디
 Works Cited


  • 김대중 Kim, Dae-Joong. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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