

영어와 한국어의 부정에 관한 유형적 비교


The Typological Comparison of Negation between English and Korean


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to compare the phenomena of negation between English and Korean on the syntactic typological base, especially the phenomena of standard negation as well as quantifier negation and adverbial negation. In standard negation, these two languages show typological similarities of using a negative particle, and of accompanying a secondary modification of inserting an auxiliary verb. However, we can find important differences in two languages: First, in the contraction structures, English language uses the device of morphological negatives, while Korean language uses an auxiliary negative verb. Second, Korean has alternative negative particles, which show complementary distribution depending on the types of predicates and sentences. Moreover, Korean negative particles have much flexibility in their position of the sentences than English negative particle. More typological differences are found in the realms of quantifier negation and adverbial negation. English has four devices of expressing quantifier or adverbial negation; negated quantifiers, inherently negative quantifiers, negated adverbials, and inherently negative adverbials. However, Korean doesn't have any forms of inherently negative quantifiers and inherently negative adverbials. It only permits the devices of negated quantifiers and negated adverbials, in very limited cases, such as in the case of predicate derivation forms. Therefore, the semantic equivalents of quantifier negations and adverbial negations in Korean, are mostly the forms of indefinite expressions or adverbials combined with standard negation.


  • 조경숙 Cho, Kyung-Sook. 호남대학교 영어영문학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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