

대칭과 비대칭 인양작업 자세에 대한 생체역학적 요추부하 비교


A Comparison of Biomechanical Loads on the Lumbar Spinae between Symmetric and Asymmetric Lifting Task Postures

양성환, 최정화

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to quantitatively prove the asymmetric lifting acts on the risk factor of low back pain by a comparison of muscle activities of spinal loading and muscle strength(hand grip and back strength) between two types of lifting tasks (symmetric and asymmetric). Fourteen male subjects were participated in the experiment. We analysed and compared hand grip force, back strength. EMG(Electromyography), and IEMG (Integrated Electromyography) values for the stoop posture between symmetric and asymmetric lifting tasks using paired t-test. As the result, the back strength decreased in twisting posture. According to the result of EMG analysis, there were significant differences between right and left erector spinae muscle in asymmetric lifting task regardless of load. When subjects lifted boxes of right side, EMG values of left muscle were higher than those of right muscle. As twisting angle increased, EMG values of left muscle increased and EMG values of right muscle decreased. The results of IEMG analysis were similar to the results of EMG analysis. The results of EMG values during lifting indicated that the take-of stage was most stressful.


I. 서론
 II. 연구방법
 III. 연구결과
 IV. 결론 및 고찰


  • 양성환 Sung Hwan Yang. 동원대학 산업경영과
  • 최정화 Jeong Hwa Choi. 한국산업안전공단


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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