The Fourth Party Logistics for the Enhancement of Productivity on International Supply Chain Management
The historical revolution in 1995 could be too radical to change smoothly and efficiently the world economic structure. The major tool of the revolution came from the borderless competition initiated by WTO and the Electronic Commerce motivated by Internet. These two factors outstandingly affected the international transportation industries as well. The result could be summarized with the transition from trade of output to foreign direct investment and from the transportation to logistics. While, the surrounding economies of Korea resulted in the turmoil of the revolution with IMF foreign currency crisis. Overcoming the crisis, Korean firms should consider more of the regional cooperation in the Far East Asia in terms of internalization of the business management in the region. This research focused on the cooperative tools in the name of the fourth party logistics (4PL) to efficiently and smoothly establish the regional hub of the Far East. The 4PL could internalize the cross-country production and marketing in the frame of supply chain management (SCM) among the firms in home and host countries. It opens the new horizon of the international transportation or logistics.
1. 물류관리의 의미
2. 국제물류관리의 등장
II. 국제물류의 기능적 진화와 제4자물류
1. 국제물류환경의 변화와 전자상거래
2. 물류업무의 기능진화
3. 제4자물류의 등장과 역할
III. 제4자물류와 동북아 경제협력
1. 동북아 경제협력의 기본방향
2. 공급망 관리와 국제물류
3. 제4자물류의 효율적 육성방안
IV. 결론