

일본상품에 체화된 정신문화와 그 생산성


Moral Culture Embodied in Japanese Products and Its Productivity


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Japanese products have both universal and Japanese-unique characters. It is absolutely true that Japan has its own aspects. However, we cannot deny they rarely possess anything original in their Japan culture. Accordingly this study focuses on the characteristics of Japanese world best products, its sociocultural background, and its culture-embodied factors. In fact, the industries such as automobile, appliances, or toys that Japan dominates over the world came from the Western technology. But the mental culture like Japanese unique `iidokodori`, `kikubari`, `wa` spirits and craftsmanship embodied in those technologies resulted in Japanese products as the world best with a better quality and lower price. Moreover those spirits do not work respectively to the products, rather they act with synergy effects altogether in harmony. This harmony makes out world best Japanese product. Those spirits are realized by function, convenience, safety, durability, accuracy, perfection, sincerity, and trust that characterize Japanese unique technology. All the mental cultures that embodied in Japanese products are confirmed in this study.


I. 서론
 II. 일본상품의 동향 및 문화적 특성
  1. 일본상품의 최신동향
  2. 일본상품의 문화적 특성
 III. 지리, 역사, 사회ㆍ문화적 배경 및 영향
  1. 일본의 지리, 자연환경 및 역사
  2. 일본의 사회와 자본주의 정신
 IV. 일본상품에 채화된 정신문화의 생산성 요소
 V. 결론


  • 이승영 Sing-Young Lee. 동국대학교 국제통상학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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