

우리나라 소상공인의 생산성 중요도에 대한 고찰


A Study on the Productivity of Small Firms in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Small Firms are defined as the smaller firms among the SMEs. Despite of the scale of the firms, they are important in socio-economic terms based on the following reasons. At first, they create the diverse opportunities of the employment. At second, they promote the competitive field of technology innovations as shown in many venture style of the successive business. Finally, they are so important in that the owners of the firms mange the firm as the key factor to survive. In Korea, the number of these small firms reaches 2.592,811, more than 90% of the total firms of 2,853.673. They also take the portion of 59% of the whole national employment. Compared with their portion in numbers as well as the employment, the small firms should be treated as the grass hope of the capitalism. Due to this reason, Korean government established the SBDC (Small Business Develpoment Center) under the SBA (Small Business Administration) in February of 1999. These SBDC took the major role to support the financial and managerial difficulties of the small firms. However, up to now the major role of the SBDC emphasizes too much only on the financial support for the establishment of the small firms. So this paper is aimed to strengthened the role of SBDC to promote the productivity of the small, firms under the current circumstances.


I. 서론
 II. 소상공인과 그 역할
 II. 각 국별 소상공인 지원 현황
 IV. 일본의 소규모기업이 우리나라 소상공인에게 주는 시사점
 V. 생산성을 고려한 소상공인 발전 방안
 VI. 결론


  • 정수원 Su Won Chung. 동서대학교 국제관계학부 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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