

韓國企業의 對中 投資特性에 따른 經營成果 分析


Managerial Effects of Korean Investment in China

한국기업의 대중 투자특성에 따른 경영성과 분석


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to Korean investment to mainland China, FDI (foreign direct investment) gradually increased since 1990 started to be decreased dramatically. It shows -28.7% growth rate compared with the previous fiscal year. This is expected more decreasing rate in the year of 1998. Main cause of this figure is from critical management environment of mother companies under IMF aid in Korea. Up to the present, Korean companies more concentrated on the scale of FDI than quality. Summary for the result of this research are following; In brief of one-way ANOVA, it was proposed that investment with independent type, petrochemical sector, $0.5 to 1 million in urban area in south/middle area in China are expected the most effective investment by this researcher. However, this recommendation can be changed according to the market environment.


I. 序論
  1. 問題提起 및 硏究目的
  2. 硏究方法 및 範圍
 II. 對中國 投資의 實態
  1. 年度別 投資推移
  2. 業種別 投資推移
  3. 地城別l 投資推移
  4. 持分別 投資推移
  5. 投資規模 推移
 III. 硏究假說의 設定및 標本選定
  1. 假說設定
  2. 標本選定
 IV. 標本選定 및 實證分析 結果
  1. 獨立標本 T-檢證
  2. 一元變量 分散分析
 VI. 結論


  • 劉浩鍾 유호종. 중부대학교 경상학부 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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