

외국인투자 생산성 증대를 통한 투자 효율화 전략


A Study on the Productivity Increasing and Inducement Strategy of Foreign Investment to Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Perhaps the issue of making stable forex liquidity position and getting enough funds for economy rehabilitation is more important than any other subjects. So the government makes all the efforts to enlarge foreigner`s investments(FI) to Korea. But this kind of unsystemized efforts neglect the negative effect to economy. This study tries to present broader viewpoint and more efficient way of inducing the FI. If we obliged to enlarging the quantity of FI it self, it will result in great damage to our economy. So we need more harmonious approach to FI inducement. In this respect, we need to think the FI from the perspectives of Productivity. Productivity minds are based on the out/input ratio. If we can make positive managing of this paradigm, induced FI can be celebration to Korean economy. To enlarge the quantity of FI, it is needed to customize investor`s needs, to match to the global standards, to change the attitude to the FI. And, to make FI more effective, give incentives to long-term, direct investment, put weight to strategic alliance, management innovation efforts are needed.


I. 서론
 II. 최근 경제현실과 외국인투자유치의 효익과 한계
  1. IMF프로그램의 기대와 경제현실과의 차이
  2. IMF이후 외국인투자의 효익과 한계
 III. 외국인투자 유치환경비교와 투자실태
  1. 외국인투자 유치환경 비교
  2. 외국인투자실태
  3. 외국인투자의 촉진, 장애요인 비교
  4. 최근 외국인투자 유치환경의 변화
 IV. 외국인투자의 생산성효과와 효율화 전략
  1. 외국인투자의 생산성효과
  2. 외국인투자의 효율화전략
 V. 외국인투자 확대를 위한 부문별 전략
 VI. 결론


  • 이신모 Shin Mo Lee. 동덕여대 경영경제학부 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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