

國內外 中ㆍ大型 技術開發(R&D) 支援事業의 評價體系에 관한 比較硏究


A Comparative Study on the Evaluation Scheme for Korean, American, Japanese and French Government - Supported R & D Programs

국내외 중ㆍ대형 기술개발(R&D) 지원사업의 평가체계에 관한 비교연구

李在河, 朴商敏

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Not until the late 1980s`, governments began to formulate evaluation scheme of national R&D programs. In this study, the comparative analysis of four nations` evaluation scheme for government-supported R&D programs was carried out in order to practically applicate to real R&D programs. This study aims at the procedure and assessment of the mode of project selection and its R&D agency. This study deals with national R&D programs such as G7 project (Korean), ATP & SBIR (American), Large scale project (Japanese), and ANVAR (French). Summing up, this paper suggested that mixing approach between Top-down and Button-up is adequate to select and develop future oriented R&D project, that the capability of R&D agency is more important than R&D project itself, and that practical utility is more required as an evaluation philosophy of the national R&D program.


I. 序論
 II. 評價體系의 變遷
 III. 先導技術 開發事業의 評價體系
  1. 事業의 槪要
  2. 課題導出 節次및 方法
  3. 事業推進方式의 特徵
 IV. 美國의 R&D 몇 技術革新 支援專業(制度)의 評價體系
  1. 尖端技術 프로그램 (ATP ; Advanced Technology Program)
  2. 中小企業 革新硏究(SBIR ; Small Business Innovation Research)
 V. 日本의 大型 프로젝트(事業)
  1. 課題選定節次
  2. 事業推進方式의 特徵
 VI. 프랑스 國立工業化機關(ANVAR)의 技術革新 增進事業
  1. 課題選定節次
  2. 事業推進方式의 特徵
 VII. 結論


  • 李在河 이재하. 남서울대학교 경영학과 조교수
  • 朴商敏 박상민. 인천대학교 산업공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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