

국제협상의 문화적 생산성에 관한 연구


Strategic Approach on the Cultural Productivity of the International Negotiation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the economic volume of international trade increase, Korean firms face the new challenge of globalization in the international management and, especially in the strategies of international negotiations. However, the optimal strategies in the international negotiations should come from $quot;cultural awareness$quot; from the comparative basis of the cultural differences. Recently, many Korean firms have experienced the complicated difficulties coming from the cultural differences. Some of these difficulties resulted in the failure of the international business even under the successful operation of the business itself. That is the objective of this study and we may conclude the best model for the $quot;cultural awareness$quot; depends on the comparative approach of the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis implies that the cultural differences could be overcome if we compare our cultural strength and weakness (SW analysis) with the partner`s opportunity and threat (OT analysis). As the culture itself has been changing, our SWOT analysis should be more flexible to reflect the current situations. However, the basis of SWOT analysis, which is the $quot;You-Attitude$quot; to understand the partner`s cultural differences, should be always kept in mind.


I. 서론
 II. 국제협상의 환경요소와 문화
  1. 국제협상과 환경요소
  2. 협상환경과 문화요소
 III. 문화적 생산성과 협상전략
  1. 문화적 자각의 생산성
  2. 문화적 생산성의 비교문화적 접근
  3. 문화적 자각의 협상전략 모형
 IV. 결론


  • 崔龍錄 최용록. 시립인천전문대학 무역과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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