

학습곡선의 한일 산업간 비교


A Comparative Study on the Learning Curves of Korea and Japan Industries


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The learning curve model is widely used in production planning and cost forecasting, as well as strategic decision making. A company or industry of a country with a steep down-ward learning curve(with high progress rate) for an item is considered to be more competitive than others while other things being equal. The following issues are main focus in this paper. First, to estimate the learning rates of Korea and Japan industry, also to compare the characteristics of learning curves by industries. Second, to review the existence of kinked points on the learning curves by industry, if there are kinked points, how much time span are there between Korea and Japan industries? Third, in general learning effects are composed two factors, the one is pure learning rates, that is, learning by doing, the other one is economies of scale, this paper is to analysis the impact of two factors by industries of Korea and Japan.


I. 서론
 II. 산업별 학습효과의 추정
  1. 추정모델
  2. 이용 자료
  3. 학습효과의 추정결과
 III. 규모의 경제효과를 고려한 경우 학습효과
  1. 추정모델
  2. 추청결과 분석
 IV. 굴절점의 분석
  1. 굴절점의 경제적인 의미
  2. 굴절점의 추정모델
  3. 추정결과 분석
 V. 결론


  • 禹在植 우재식. 한국생산성본부 전문위원실 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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