

韓國企業의 年俸制 定着化를 통한 生産性 向上 方案에 관한 硏究


A Study on Ways to Improve Productivity through the Stabilization of Annual Salary System in Korea Enterprises

한국기업의 연봉제 정착화를 통한 생산성 향상 방안에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the annual salary system is introduced by a way of management strategy for surviving the unlimited competition era under the IMF system, this research is undertaken for the purposes of providing the plans that would facilitate the annual salary system and resolves the shortcomings of the annual salary system. Although the annual salary system is an innovative wage control system that may improve the high-cost low-efficiency mechanism, an undue competition by the overly aggressive employees may result by doing away from the employee spirit when the assessment of credibility and fairness lacks. This study is aimed at enhancing the managerial efficiency of a business enterprise as well as its productivity. The content of the research has indicated the ways to stabilize the annual salary system in the Korean business enterprise by providing the initial themes for salary system model for Korean economy, the strategy for annual salary system promotion and time to introduce the annual salary system for Korea as well as the time for stabilization of it.


I. 序論
 II. 年棒制의 理론的 背景
  1. 年俸制의 槪念
  2. 導入背景
  3. 年俸制 導入의 長短點
 III. 年棒制 導入 實態
  1. 外國企業의 年俸制度
  2. 韓國企業의 年俸制度
 IV. 韓園企業의 年俸制 導入과 運營上의 問題
  1. 法律上의 問題
  2. 其他 問題
 V. 韓園企業의 年俸制 定着化를 통한 生産性 向上方案
  1. 年俸制 導入을 위한 準備
  2. 年俸制 導入 推進
  3. 韓國的 年俸制 모델
  4. 年俸制 支給方法
  5. 年俸制 推進 戰略
 VI. 結論


  • 安佶贊 안길찬. 平澤大學校 經營學科 敎授, 經營學博士


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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