An Empirical Study on Situational Theory of Leadership
리더십의 상황적합성에 관한 실증적 연구
Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard proposed a situational theory of leadership. According to the theory, degrees of task orientation and relationship orientation must be examined in conjunction with the dimension of follower maturity to account for leader effectiveness. The present study involved 306 salesmen and 34 sales managers, who represented 6 fire and marine insurance companies in Korea. The findings are as follows ; Situational theory of leadership was most strongly supported in the high maturity condition. Employees who have much task-relevant knowledge and commitment should require less structuring on the part of their supervisor. For low maturity employees, the theory appears to be unable to predict. Perhaps the theory needs to be rephrased to accommodate low maturity types.
II. Hersey와 Blanchard의 상황리더십 理論
1. 리더십의 伸縮性
2. 리더의 行動類型
3. 狀況的 變數
III. 硏f究의 設計
1. 假說의 設定
2. 리더십의 適合性
3. 調査의 方法
IV. 調査結果의 分析과 示畯點
1. 統計的 分析
2. 調査結果의 示畯點
V. 要約과 結論
1. 要約
2. 結論