

Productivity in Strategy-making Activities : The Role of CEO's Entrepreneurial Orientation and Human Capital



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



While the concept of productivity has been defined at various levels of organizations (i.e.at the levels of individual, team, department or division, firm, geographic region and evencountry), and also the areas of productivity concerns vary to a great extent, ranging from bank tellers’ customer interface efficiency to agricultural input-output efficiency of a country, a review of the productivity literature suggests that there has been no substantial research efforts so far in defining and investigating the productivity in strategy-making in corporate settings. Motivated by the research need to redress this gap in the literature, this paper first defines productivity in strategy-making based on the extant literature of strategy and organizational theory, and then identifies the antecedents of such productivity in strategy-making by focusing on the constructs pertaining to CEO characteristics. By inferring from various studies on entrepreneurship and strategy, we propose a model where CEO’s entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and human capital affect firm’s strategy-making productivity. An empirical test of the strategy-making productivity model was conducted on a sample of newly founded firms within Korean game development industry. Test results showed that CEO’s EO influenced positively the strategic productivity i.e. the entry into new product lines and the entry into foreign markets. However, no significant support was found for the role of CEO’s human capital in increasing strategy-making productivity. Interactive terms between EO and human capital did not show any significant effects on the strategy-making productivity. Finally, the limitations and future research directions are discussed.




  • 문철우 MOON, CHUL WOO. Sungkyunkwan University, College of Business


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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