

A Comparative Study of the Relative Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Korea's Fixed Network and Mobile Services - in Relation to 11 OECD Countries -


Kark-Bum Lee, Man-Hee Park, Chan-Kook Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Thus far, few literatures have ventured to separate the telecommunications industry by technology as a means of analyzing efficiency and productivity growth. This study decomposes the telecommunications industry into fixed network services and mobile services. It examines the relative efficiency and productivity growth of Korea's fixed network and mobile services in relation to 11 OECD countries from 1996 to 2001. This research uses DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and the Malmquist index for analysis of efficiency and productivity growth. The OECD Telecommunications Database 2003 is also used. We adopt as variables one output, revenue and two inputs, access paths and employees. As a result of this study, Korea’s efficiency and productivity growth rate in both services were shown to be relatively low among 11 countries. This study suggests that while fixed network services need to focus strongly on making improvements in pure managerial skills, mobile services need to upgrade their scale efficiency and technical progress.


I. Introduction
 II. Literature Review
 III. Methodology
 IV. Variables and Data
 V. Empirical Result
 VI. Conclusion


  • Kark-Bum Lee Professor, Dept. of IT Business School, Information and Communications University
  • Man-Hee Park Researcher, Dept. of IT Policy, IT thinknet
  • Chan-Kook Park Graduate student, Dept. of IT Business School, Information and Communications Graduate student, Dept. of IT Business School, Information and Communications


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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