A Case Study of Simultaneous Implementation of Quality Control Circle and Group Working on the Same Small Work Group for Productivity Improvement
This Research is for finding the ways of improving the effectiveness of Quality Control Circle(QCC). Group Working and QCC are jointly applied in a small work unit and this was called, in this paper, Work Circle. In order to examine the effectiveness of Work Circle, it has been applied to the production line of the small electronic company. Action Research has been adopted to this research as a research methodology. The experiments were implemented during eight weeks, first four weeks was for the existing system and the other was for Work Circle. According to the results, Work Circle has been shown to the pros and cons. Work Circle has proven to increase production rates, reduced WIP level and defect rates, while it has created the conflicts between the supervisors and the leaders of Work Circles. Although Work Circle has the certain weaknesses of human relations on the shop floor, it has the great strong points of productivity improvement. Furthermore, Work Circle has become a control mechanism of QCC indirectly. The conclusion of this experiment was that QCC could improve its productivity by applying it with Group Working method Simultaneous.
II. 대상 생산라인의 소개
III. 그룹워킹과 품질분임조의 동시 적용으로 변환된 생산라인
IV. 기존상황과 작업분임조의 적용 결과분석
V. 결론