

한미 유통업 종사자의 인적생산성 증대 방안


A Study on the Human Productivity Increasing Strategies of US-Korea Retail Business Workers


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nowadays retail business experiences rapid change and steep competition to survive. Many of them strive to renew the store and facilities. This kind of renovation needs huge input of capital but the result is doubtful. Retail business is highy touch and labor intensive industry so the efficiency of sales forces is the core of business success. The purpose of this article is to draw the strategic insights to enlarge the productivity of sales force. According to the result of the research, many emotional factors influence sales force's satisfaction to the store and work itself. So, to elevate the human productivity in retail business we need the followings. First, the empowerment of the sales force is needed. To develop positive relationship with customer and share the mind of 'I'm also customer' will be helpful. Second, the implementation of customer orientation is needed. Today many firms say they work for maximizing customers benefits but actually they work for maximizing their own profits. Serve customer benefits, such as CRM, QRS, and customized marketing. In conclusion, physical input such as capital, facilities will be helpful to enlarge the output and the productivity of retail business.


I. 서론-유통산업생산성 연구의 배경
 II. 유통산업 생산성 연구의 중요성
 III. 유통기업의 노동생산성 실증분석
 IV. 실증분석의 시사점과 인적 생산성 향상방안
 V. 결론


  • 이신모 Shin-Mo Lee. 동덕여자대학교 경영경제학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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