

외자유치 투자인센티브의 실효성 분석과 생산성 강화방안


A Study on the Effectiveness of Inbound FDI Incentives


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Due to the rapid growth of China, Far-east Asia is one of the most actively changing economic regions. To actively respond on this trend, many global companies are searching for the regional headquarter for this region. Since these inbound foreign direct investment (FDI) is the key not only for the boost of the economic growth, but for the increased competitiveness for the host country, Korean government has been promoted these inbound FDI. Korea took paradigm of the selective concentration on the special region of "Economic Free Zone" such as Inchon, Pusan and Kwangyang with highly inducive incentives. The study analyzes the effectiveness of these incentives and suggests the paradigm shift on the incentives. Based on the theoretical as well as the comparative analysis on the benchmarking of the advanced countries in FDI, it concludes the importance on the systematic productivity for the incentives in terms of structural, functional and procedural innovation on the incentive system.


I. 동북아 경제와 외자유치 배경
  1. 동북아 경제중심의 배경과 특성
  2. 외자유치정책의 기본방향과 과제
  3. 선행연구의 비교분석과 연구모형
 II. 외자유치 정책의 비교분석
  1. 외자유치 정책의 Paradigm Shift
  2. 미국과 중국의 외자유치 정책
  3. 영국과 아일랜드의 외자유치 정책
  4. 한국의 외자유치 정책
 III. 외자유치 인센티브의 실효성 분석
  1. 외자유치 실효성의 개념적 특성
  2. 경제자유구역과 외자유치의 실효성 평가
  3. 외자유치 인센티브의 실효성 및 장애요인 분석
 IV. 투자인센티브의 생산성 강화방안
  1. 경제자유구역의 전략적 선택방향
  2. 외자유치 인센티브의 구조적 생산성 강화 방안
  3. 외자유치 인센티브의 절차적 생산성 강화 방안
  4. 외자유치 인센티브의 기능적 생산성 강화 방안
 V. 결론


  • 최용록 Yong-rok Choi. 인하대학교 국제통상학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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