Optimal Pricing Based on Habitual Attendance of Korean Professional Baseball League
Sales volume of sports games might be strongly habitual attendance oriented. Based on habitual tendency, we develop a dynamic life-cycle consumption model and apply it to Korean Professional Baseball(KPB) data. The empirical results suggest that there is weak habit-formation in the demand for attending KPB games unlike Major League Baseball games in USA. Optimal pricing should be based not only on the habitual factor to maximize game revenue, but also on the strategy to strengthen habitual formation for attending games. For example, a sports team maintains its price low enough to get more habitual attendance which will derive more future attendance. Various kinds of seasonal tickets might improve habitual formation as well.
II. 평생소비 모형 (life-cycle consumption mode l)과 관중회귀방정식
III. 실증분석
1. 데이터 분석
2. 실증분석 결과
IV. 한국프로야구 입장요금 전략
1. 한국프로야구 입장요금
2. 메이저리그 야구 입장요금
3. 한국프로야구의 바람직한 입장요금전략
V. 결론