

SCM 도입에 의한 글로벌 기업의 생산성 강화 사례연구


A Case Study on the Productivity Promotion by the Global SCM


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The augmentation of WTO and its strategies toward borderless competition created the so rapidly changing business environment. Moreover, the rapid growth in the internet technologies and e-business made the mose of all the leading multinational enterprises work on the internet-based management, from the research and development, procurement, production, marketing, sales, upto the consumption and customer relation management. All these activities related the work or business function flow of the global enterprises are called the global supply chain management (Global SCM). This paper is aimed that the strategic motivation to incorporate the global SCM into the multinational enterprises should be clarified in terms of their competitive as well as co-operative functions. In order to emphasize these functions, the paper analyzes the case studies of leading PC makers such as Dell and HP. The paper concludes that the global SCM could promote much higher productivity through the copetitive, which means to be competitive as well as co-operative, process of global SCM than the single company does. This copetitive productivities should be more emphasized via the market-oriented bench-marking studies.


I. 서론
  1. Global SCM 의 중요성
  2. SCM과 생산성
 II. SCM 의 이론적 배경
  1. SCM 이론
  2. SCM의 프레임워크
  3. 기업의 SCM 도입배경
 III. SCM 도입요인과 국내연구동향
  1. 도입요인
  2. SCM의 국내연구동향
 IV. 생산성 강화 사례 분석
  1. Dell 사례
  2. Hewlett-Packard(HP) 사례
 V. 결론


  • 김창봉 Chang-Bong Kim. 중앙대ㆍ동국대 강사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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