

정보통신기술의 생산성역설:논쟁의 재해석과 정책적 함의


Productivity Paradox of ICT:Debates Revisited and Policy Implications


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Until now Korean economy has spent a large amount of money on ICT(Information & Communication Technology) investments. However, it is not clear whether the ICT investments have contributed to productivity growth and economic output. This observation known as 'Productivity Paradox' has been debated for almost a decade.In Korean ICT industries, it is still difficult to show evidence of a link between ICT investments and economic output. While the previous studies generally found little evidence of a relationship between ICT and productivity, there was also little evidence that ICT were unproductive. In particular, many researches pointed to the inadequacies of productivity measurement, insufficiencies and/or inaccuracies of data, and relatively short analysis periods, etc. In this line of research we reviewed the productivity paradox debates and elaborated the policy implications for formulating ICT investments portfolios and strategies.


I. 서론
 II. ICT산업의 정보화 투자와 생산성에 대한 연구
  1. ICT산업의 생산성 제고 메카니즘
  2. ‘정보화’투자에 대한 상이한 정의
  3. IT산업 분류 기준의 다양성
  4. ICT투자에 관한 데이터문제
 III. 생산성역설에 대한 재해석
  1. ICT투자의 경제적 효과에 대한 국내연구의 요약
  2. ICT투자와 생산성 역설
  3. 생산성역설의 정책적 함의
 IV. 결론 : 요약과 시사점


  • 김민용 Min-Yong Kim. 경희대학교 국제경영학부 부교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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