

IT서비스업의 생산성 제고에 관한 연구


A Study on the Productivity Improvement of Information Technology Service Industry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper represent the method which improves the productivity of the IT(information technology) service industry as follows. At the first step to the improvement of productivity, they have to set the goal at the service provider focused on the needs of consumers and the satisfaction of customers. It is based on the productivity attached more importance to quality than quantity. At the next step, They have to provided the service with the technical power, reliability, and safety of information technology. The technical power of IT is made by the application of the latest technology and the continuous education for technical employees. The reliability for IT is built by the keeping of stabilized system and the quality guaranteed of software and information. The safety of IT is formed by the support of complete security and the protection of privacy. The qualitative productivity of IT service industry will become improved by such two goals and three conditions.


I. 序輪
 II. 硏究背景과 方法
  1. 硏究對象및 範圍
  2. 分析方法
  3. 硏究上의 制約點
  4. 分析틀
 III. IT서비스업의 生産性 關聯 槪念
  1. IT産業과 IT서비스업
  2. IT産業과 生産性
  3. IT서비스업의 生産性
 IV. IT서비스업의 生産性 現況
  1. IT産業의 世界市場規模
  2. IT서비스업의 成長趨勢
  3. IT서비스업의 生産性 趨移
 V. IT서비스의 生産性 提高方案
  1. IT서비스업의 기본전략
  2. IT서비스업의 生産性 提高方案
 VI. 結論
 참고문헌 및 웹사이트


  • 임외석 Oi-Seuk Lim. 경원전문대학 e- 비즈니스과 부교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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